To recognize image on the computer, the feature is one of the important part for it. And there are some algorithms to detect features like edge and corner.
And depending on feature type, we can consider which algorithm is useful for our image.
What is image features?
Image features have two meaning, global and local. Normally, I will introduce global and local, but the main topic is about the local feature detection.
Recognition properties are important.
- average grey level
- area in pixels
Part of an image with some special properties. In the local features, the location is important
- lines
- corners
- circles
- textured regions
The good features should be meaningful and detectable.
Actually, it is almost impossible to get perfect features from the real world.
Edge detection
Edge points are pixels where image values undergo a sharp variation.
It means that we can find the edge in case we know which border has a sharp variation.
basic steps for edge detection
- smooth out noise
- enhance edges using a filter which responds to edges
- localize edges
We need to find an optimal linear edge enhancement filter for removing noise.
Good detection
- Minimize probability of false positive and false negatives(low error)
- maximizing signal to noise ratio
Good localization
- edges must be as close as possible to true edges
Single response
- A detector must return only one point corresponding to each true edge point, minimizing the number of false edges due to noise.
Solution to the optimization problem is difficult to express in closed form but first derivation of Gaussian
is close to the optimal operator.
2D case for edge detection
Calculate directional derivatives $I_x$ and $I_y$ (gradient)
Calculate magnitude M and normal n
Edge localization
non-maximum suppression
Thinning wide edges resulting from the convolution
- defining the threshold such that the local maxima is defined as an edge
- Finding the threshold is difficult
- Low threshold causes false contours
- High threshold fragments true edges
Corner detection
Compute image gradient over entire image
For each point $p$
- Form atrix C using neighborhood of $p$
- Compute $\lambda_2$, the smaller eigenvalue of $C$
- If $\lambda_2 \gt t$, save coordinates of p into list $L$
Sort $L$ in decreasing order of $\lambda_2$
Go through $L$ and for each point $p$, delete points further in $L$ which belong to neighborhood of $p$
Segmentation by thresholding
Region features
Connected component analysis
L(x,y)=0 for all x,y,c = 1
For y = 1 to height
For x = 1 to width
IF L(x,y-1)=0 and L(x-1,y)<>0
L(x,y) = L(x-1,y)
ELSE IF L(x-1,y)<>0 and L(x-1,y)=0
L(x,y) = L(x,y-1)
ELSE IF L(x,y-1)=0 and L(x-1,y)=0
L(x,y) = c
L(x,y) = L(x,y-1)