
Project Euler는 수학적인 문제들을 컴퓨터 프로그래밍으로 풀어가는 사이트로, 파이썬 연습과 알고리즘 문제 풀이 겸 이 사이트의 문제를 조금씩 풀어보려고 합니다.

Solution for the project Euler about programming problems.

It is not general solution, just a idea made by myself.

About project Euler

Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems.

“Project Euler exists to encourage, challenge, and develop the skills and enjoyment of anyone with an interest in the fascinating world of mathematics.”


The problem is solved with python3. You can download from github and implement code on your own environment.

Problem1 - Multiples 3 and 5

Problem2 - Even Fibonacci numbers

Problem3 - Largest prime

Problem4 - Largest palindrome product

Problem5 - Smallest multiple

Problem6 - Sum square difference

Problem7 - 10001st prime

Problem8 - largest product in a series

Problem9 - Special pythagorean triplet

Problem10 - Summation of primes

Problem11 - Largest product in a grid

Problem12 - Highly divisible triangular number

Problem13 - Large sum

Problem14 - Longest Collatz sequence

Problem15 - Lattice paths

Problem16 - Power digit sum

Problem17 - Number letter counts

Problem18 - Maximum path sum I

Problem19 - Counting Sundays

Problem20 - Factorial digit sum

Problem21 - Amicable numbers

Problem22 - Names scores

Problem23 - Non-abundant sums

Problem24 - Lexicographic permutations

Problem25 - 1000-digit Fibonacci number

Problem26 - Reciprocal cycles

Problem27 - Quadratic primes

Problem28 - Number spiral diagonals

Problem29 - Distinct powers

Problem30 - Digit fifth powers

Problem 31 - Coin sums

Problem 32 - Paindigital products

Problem 33 - Digit cancelling fractions

Problem 34 - Digit factorials

Problem 35 - Circular primes

Problem 36 - Double-base palindromes

Problem 37 - Truncatable primes

Problem 38 - Pandigital multiples

Problem 39 - Integer right triangles

Problem 40 - Integer right triangles

Problem 41 - Pandigital prime

Problem 42 - Coded triangle numbers

Problem 43 - Sub-string divisibility

Problem 44 - Pentagon numbers

Problem 45 - Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal

Problem 46 - Goldbach’s other conjecture

Problem 47 - Distinct primes factors

Problem 48 - Self powers

Problem 49 - Prime permutations

Problem 50 - Consecutive prime sum

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Taekyung Han





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