
This post is series of the instruction notes for the Coursera lecture[^1]

In this post, I will introduce two preliminaries before studying PGM.

  1. Joint Distribution
  2. Factor

Preliminaries: Joint Distribution

Assuming that there are three variables that determine admission for University.

  • Intelligence(I)
    • $i^0(low), i^1(high)$
  • Difficulty(D)
    • $d^0(easy), d^1(hard)$
  • Grade(G)
    • $g^1(A), g^2(B), g^3(C)$

parameters: $2 \times 2 \times 3 = 12$

independent parameters: $11$


\[P(\beta\ \vert\ \alpha) = \frac{P(\alpha\ \cap \ \beta)}{P(\alpha)}\]

To calculate the probability when grade is C, $g^1$

condition on $g^1$: $P(I,D \vert g^1)$

Conditioning: Reduction

By summing one variables we can get reduced probability. \(\sum_I P(I, D) = P(D)\)

Conditioning: Renormalization

\[\begin{align} P(I, D, g^1) =& \sum_{j,k} P(i^j, d^k, g^1)\\ P(i^0, d^0 \vert g^1) =& \frac{P(i^0, d^0, g^1)}{P(I, D, g^1)} \\ \\ &\sum_{j,k} P(i^j, d^k \vert g^1) = 1 \end{align}\]


\[P(D \vert g^1) = \sum_k P(i^k, D \vert g^1)\]

Preliminaries: Factors

Factor is the node in the PGM. It has values and can connect to other factors. Factor can explain the conditional probability distribution.

  • A factor $\phi(X_1, \dots, X_k)$
    • $\phi: Val(X_1, \dots, X_k) \rightarrow R$
  • Scope = ${X_1, \dots, X_k}$

Conditional probability Distribution(CPD)

\[P(G \vert I, D)\]

In intuitive terms, this means that the value of B is not dependent on the value of A. We can derive this from $P(A,B)=P(A) \times P(B)$ as follows: \(\begin{align} P(A, B) =& P(A) \times P(B) & \text{(by definition of independence)}\\ =&P(B\vert A) \times P(A) & \text{(by chain rule of probabilities)}\\ \text{therefore } P(B \vert A) =& P(B) \end{align}\)

Factor product

\[\phi(A, B) \times \phi(B, C) = \phi(A, B, C) \\ \phi(A, B, C) \times \phi(C, D) = \phi(A, B, C, D) \\\]

Factor Margilnalization

Let $X, Z$ be binary variables, and let $Y$ be a variable

if $\phi(X, Y, Z)$ is the factor, $\varphi(Y,Z) = \sum_X \phi(X, Y, Z)$

Factor Reduction

Let $X, Z$ be binary variables, and let $Y$ be a variable

Assuming that we observe $Y=k$.

If $\phi(X, Y, Z)$ is the factor, we can compute the missing entries of the reduced factor $\varphi(X, Z)$ given that $Y=k$

Why factors?

  • Fundamental building block for defining distributions in high-dimensional spaces
  • Set of basic pertaions for manipulating these probability distributions
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Taekyung Han





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